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JAVA SERVER FACES APPLICATION CONFIGURATION JSF technology provides a configuration file known as faces-config.xml. This file allows...
include Directive -include directive are given after <html> and before </html>. -It makes the static inclusion of .html/....
Whenever any sub class constructor is invoked , it by default invokes the default constructor of its super class, unless except parameteri...
Constructor Constructor are special type of methods which have name same as class name. Constructors are required to instantiate an ob...
HTML FILE <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"...
Java Mail API provides the collection of classes and interfaces which models sending of mail. For working with Java Mail we require two ...
This is a very interesting topic to talk about. You have two classes in same folder as well the same class is using the classes from the ...
public void jspInit() - This method is invoked when JspPage is intialised. - This method is called once in the life-time of JSP P...
JSP ARCHITECTURE - Whenever a request arises for .jsp file. JSP-ENGINE will : i) Translate .jsp file into a .java file. ii) Compiles th...
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